STAAD.Pro Help

T.2 Creating Load Cases 1, 2, and 3

The load values are listed in the beginning of this tutorial in kg and meter units. Rather than convert those values to the current input units, we will conform to those units.

STAAD.Pro does not allow to change the units while editing load cases. An error message is displayed if this is attempted.

Create the primary load cases for this model.

  1. Change the force unit to Kilogram and the length unit to Meter.

    Refer to T.2 Changing the input units of length for details.

  2. On the Loading ribbon tab, select the Primary Load Case in the Loading Specifications group.

    The Create New Primary Load Cases dialog opens.

  3. Enter the properties for the first load case:
    1. Type DEAD LOAD in the Title field.

      Leave the Number as the default value of 1.

      注記: The Loading Type list is used to associate the load case we are creating with any of the ACI, AISC, IBC, or other code-prescribed definitions of Dead, Live, Ice, etc. This type of association needs to be done if you intend to use the program's automatically generating load combinations in accordance with those codes. Note that there is a check box labeled Reducible per UBC/IBC. This feature is active only when the load case is assigned a Loading Type called Live when you create that load case.

      Since this tutorial does not use the automatic load combination generation feature, leave the Loading Type as None.

    2. Click Add.
    3. Click Close.
    The load case appears under the Load Cases Details option in the Load & Definition dialog.
  4. To create the selfweight dead load, either:

    on the Loading ribbon tab, select the Load Items tool

    1. Select the 1: DEAD LOAD entry.

    2. Click Add.
    The Add New Load Items dialog opens with entries for adding load items to the selected load case.
  5. Define the selfweight load:
    1. In the Add New Load Items dialog, select the Selfweight Load option under the Selfweight item.
    2. Select Y as the Direction.
    3. Type -1.0 in the Factor field (multiplier for the calculated selfweight of members).
    4. Click Add.

  6. With the Add New Load Items dialog still open, add the member loads to be applied to the beams:
    1. In the Add New Load Items dialog, select the Uniform Force tab under the Member Load item.
    2. Select GY as the Direction.
      ヒント: For these members, since the local Y axis coincides with the global Y axis, selecting Y (local member Y) and GY (global Y direction) have the same effect. Press <Shift+O> to view the member orientation.
    3. Type -400 (kg/m) in the W1 field (magnitude of the uniform force).

      The negative value indicates the load acts "down".

      Leave the offset fields (d1 through d3) as zero.

    4. Click Add.
    5. Click Close.

  7. Assign the selfweight load to all members:
    1. Select the SELFWEIGHT Y -1 entry in the Load & Definitions dialog.

    2. Select the Assign to View option.
    3. Click Assign.

      A message box opens to opens prompting you to confirm you want to make this assignment.

    4. Click Yes.
    5. Click anywhere in the View window away from the members to deselect all members.
  8. Assign the member load to members 2 and 5:
    1. Select the UNI GY -400 kg/m entry in the Load & Definitions dialog.
    2. Press and hold <Ctrl> and then select members 2 and 5 in the View window.

      The Beams Cursor tool is automatically selected when the Load & Definition dialog is opened.

    3. Select the Assign to Selected Beams option.
    4. Click Assign.

      A message box opens to opens prompting you to confirm you want to make this assignment.

    5. Click Yes.

    Structure after uniform force is assigned to beams

    ヒント: Use a scale of 6 kN/m per m for distributed forces if the loads are not visible or are too large for the View window when viewing the entire structure.
  9. Repeat steps 3, 4, 6, and 8 to create a new load case titled Live Load which contains a uniform force of -600 kg/m in the global Y direction and is applied to members 2 and 5.
    注記: Be sure to select the Live Load on the Loading ribbon tab Display group to add load items to this load case.
  10. Repeat steps 3 through 4 and then 6 through 8 to create a new load case titled Wind Load which contains the following two load items:
    注記: Be sure to select the Wind Load on the Loading ribbon tab Display group to add load items to this load case.
    • a uniform force of +300 kg/m in the GX (global X) direction and is applied to member 1
    • a uniform force of +500 kg/m in the GX (global X) direction and is applied to member 4

    Structure after the wind load items are assigned